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I was one of two students chosen to give a speech at the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Spring 2022 commencement ceremony. My speech can be found here, between minutes 52 and 57 approximately.
Undergraduate course, The University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
Under Dr. Schwartz, I was an Undergraduate TA for Digital Logic and Computer Systems for the Spring and Summer semesters 2021. My responsibilities included holding a lab section, holding weekly office hours, grading assignments, and reviewing/revising lab/homework assignments.
Undergraduate course, The University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
Under Dr. Schwartz, I was an Undergraduate TA for Microprocessor Applications for the Fall of 2021. My responsibilities included holding a lab section, holding weekly office hours, grading assignments, and reviewing/revising lab/homework assignments.
Undergraduate course, The University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021
Under Drs. Farahmandi (Fall) and Stitt (Spring), I was an Undergraduate TA for Digital Design for the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022. My responsibilities include holding a lab section, holding weekly office hours, and grading assignments/exams.
Graduate course, The Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2023
Under Professor Callie Hao, I was a Graduate TA for Advanced Computer Architecture for Fall 2023. My responsibilities included holding office hours, lab information sessions, writing and grading homework/exams/labs, and proctoring exams.
Undergraduate course, The Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2024
Under Professor Asif Khan, I was a Graduate TA for Physical Foundations of Computer Engineering for Spring 2024. My responsibilities included holding office hours, lab information sessions, writing and grading homework/exams/labs, and proctoring exams.